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You Never Forget Your First



If you are new to the live events industry or to stagecraft, this is a quick list of basic instructions for your first crew call for us, the minimum requirement expected of professional stagehands and audiovisual professionals. If you would like more detailed information and training guides, contact our Crew Operations team to make arrangements for more specialized or department specific training.


The call-time is the start of the workday, the time you are ready for your first tasks. It is not the arrival time. Plan to arrive at least 15-minutes early to:

  • Find parking

  • Find the “report to” location,

  • Check-in with client contact or crew lead,

  • Unpack and prepare your gear,

  • Complete any required paperwork,

  • Eat or use restroom.

Those tasks should not be done on the clock and you are expected be ready to work when the clock strikes the official start time. You should also plan to leave early enough to allow for normal challenges, such as traffic - which is never an acceptable reason to be late. Being late to a job, or not prepared to start on-time, is grounds for being sent home from a job without pay, or that time being deducted from the daily minimum. Repeated tardiness is grounds for termination and removal from the roster.


Our clients are experienced professionals that do a good job of estimating the labor requirements for their job. However there are unexpected conditions that are unforeseen. Job end-times are considered a reference or estimation. It may not be the actual end to the call.

Please plan your day and transportation with the understanding that you may be requested or required to stay past the suggested end of day. You should certainly not plan to leave earlier than scheduled. Such actions may jeopardize the client’s end of day goals.

  • If you know you may arrive late or must leave early, contact the Labor Coordinator prior to the start of the call.

  • If transportation is an issue, contact the Labor Coordinator for instruction or possible assistance.


Please be aware of dress requirements for each job, as they may change. All clothing should be clean, free from brand names or company logos. Shorts are not acceptable work attire unless specified by the Labor Coordinator. Some jobs may require specific footwear such as steel toed boots. Specific needs shall be communicated to you when assigned to a job. Dress code is as follows:

  • Work Blacks (WB): Black Proforce polo or t-shirt (or other non-logo comparable shirt), black jeans or khakis, shoes or boots (steel toe recommended).

  • Show Blacks (SB): Black dress shirt, black slacks, black dress shoes.

  • Outdoor Work Blacks (OWB): Black shorts or jeans, black t-shirt, black boots. Be mindful of weather conditions and layer accordingly. Reflective outerwear required when working near motorized vehicles and heavy equipment.

  • Business Casual (BC): Dress shirt or polo shirt, dress slacks or khakis, dress shoes.

  • Coat and Tie (CT): Black coat and tie, light colored dress shirt, dress slacks, dress shoes. Ladies may wear dark slacks and light shirts or blouses appropriate for the business atmosphere and a similar blazer or dress jacket. (Skirts are not practical).

  • Formal Blacks (FB): Matching dress slacks and coat with a dress shirt, a black tie and practical dress shoes. Women should wear a black business suit with slacks, and practical dress shoes. (Skirts are not practical.)


Unless otherwise instructed by the office, every technician is expected to come to each job with the tools required to execute all aspects of the position to which you have been referred. Technicians are not expected to bring power tools or major diagnostic tools to the job with them with the exception of battery operated screw guns and hand held meters when appropriate. Technicians are expected to wear a tool belt and carry the tools that they need to perform their jobs at all times. Failure to do so when asked by your department head may lead to dismissal.


Our clients appreciate and respect the level of professionalism demonstrated from our crew and Crew Operations team. As a team, we should be accountable to each other for our own professionalism and conduct ourselves in a manner that will further our entire crew’s interests. Do not expect to be rewarded or compensated beyond your pay. Do not solicit free or discounted tickets or entrance to client events. Do not eat food that is intended for use by the client or attendees, unless instructed to do so. Do not take merchandise from a client unless the client offers it to you. Do not socialize with clients or attendees, beyond the scope of your job. Do not consume alcoholic beverages, even if it is offered by the client.


Keep track of your job numbers, keep a record of the employer clients you work for and your Crew Leads, submit the hours and days you work to the office via email, text message or voicemail. And record this information, as well as other pertinent information about your call in a log book or calendar. There are a number of free apps for iOS and Android to keep you organized.


If you do not receive payment or if the payment is incorrect, contact your Labor Coordinator for assistance. NEVER contact employer clients to discuss your rates or terms, request payment or reimbursement or dispute your hours. Your rates and hours are private, personal information and not to be shared or discussed with any crew or clients.


Should you experience any difficulties regarding a job to which you are going, a job that you are on, or a job that you have already been on, contact your Labor Coordinator or After Hours Crew Operations at 925 237-1101. If you have suffered an accident or injury, first contact the appropriate emergency resource and then contact your Labor Coordinator of After Hours Crew Operations. You may leave a message at the office if the problem does not require attention outside of business hours. If the problem is an emergency and needs immediate attention and you cannot reach either of those two options, contact Bianca Eleazar at 925 752-1198 or Brandon Cruz at 925 871-8558.


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Brandon Cruz

AVL Engineer &

Event Production Professional

(925) 871-8558

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